Monday, April 21, 2008

Getting ready to get started

So, a lot of you already know that we (me, Rebecca, Maya and Jonah) are headed to Quito, Ecuador soon and will be there for the next few months so Rebecca can pursue her lifelong dream of achieving legal status for Columbian refugees in this world. The day is approaching fast - May 15. Folks keep asking me what I'll be doing there while our bank accounts slowly work towards zero (Rebecca's working for free and I'm taking a leave of absence. If things get bad, Maya and Jonah can beg in the streets. Humility will be a good lesson for them.) For awhile, I was saying that I was going to be watching the kids. But, that sounds lame so I've begun telling them the truth. I'm going to be working on my Spanish and learning how to play harmonica.

When Rebecca came across this opportunity with Asylum Access last September 2007, it seemed like a good idea to go for it. Maya would be in her last summer before Kindergarten, I'd be about ready to shoot myself from having to go to work everyday for the last decade of my life, Jonah would be Jonah. And now that the date - May 15 - is near, it seems like an even better idea that we went for it. There were some things to work out - renting the house, letting my boss know that I wouldn't be around all summer, Rebecca had stuff to sort out at her own practice, Maya and schools - but it really seemed like everything just fell right into place. like this is what we were supposed to do. we posted the house for rent on craigslist and rented it in like a day. we went through some friends and got a place in Quito to rent that seems like it should work out perfectly. what else? I understand that beer is sold in Quito. So, really, you see what I mean that everything just fell into place? We even have electricity and running water!

My intent in keeping this blog, in addition to trying to bore you to death, is to record each and every detail of each and every day in a word for word account. ha ha. Not really. We'll see how it develops. Mostly, I guess, it's to keep you all posted on how things are going and to keep you involved in what we are doing. And to provide an account for ourselves, in my own words, so that we can hopefully sell it to a reality TV producer and make ourselves household names - like the Osbournes.

So, now that you know what I'll be doing here, you can decide never to check in again.

- captain cuy


Unknown said...

There seems to be a reoccuring theme to your take on the trip Paul. Beer! I wouldn't get too excited about the running water, it's probably not for drinking. That's what all the beer is for.

GJ said...

I thought you might like to know that the blog next to you is craftsandlaughs. I don't know what that says about you but I'm sure whatever it is it would make me laugh really hard. Also, I feel bad for the people who lose at games, too.