Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another Blue Heart on the Road to Cuenca

Here's a poem that I wrote.

Another Blue Heart on the Road to Cuenca

We saw a dead man laying on his back on the road to Cuenca.
A crowd of people gathered to see the motorcycle and
the two rivers of blood that ran from under his head to the earth at the edge of the pavement.
A man knelt next to the body.
He placed one hand on the chest, and the other over his own face.

Further along on the road to Cuenca
We stopped at what must pass for a strip mall in this part of the world;
A row of dusty, concrete buildings selling fruit, candy, drinks and soup.
A dog looked down at us from the roof of one store;
A priest looking down from his temple.

When we passed a blue heart painted in the road,
We learned that it marked the sight of a road fatality.
A reminder that the road to Cuenca is not paved with gold.
Then we passed another blue heart and another, and then two together.
After we counted ten, we tried to stop noticing them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my, Paul. So sad... So sad... my heart feels blue now. Your poem is a good one.