Monday, May 19, 2008

A Tranquil Sunday

Paul was too tired to write last night, so I [Rebecca] am just putting some pictures up of our day yesterday. Your regular blogger will return later.

The Village of Guapulo, a tiny village hanging onto the side of the mountain.
This is what I imagined our life in Ecuador to look like - tranquil and rustic - instead of the urban concrete mass where we are.

Pictures by Maya:
A storm drain

Maya's shadow

A family portrait, by Maya."Mommy, a knight!"

A beautifully decorated chimney in Guapulo.

A taxi ride. I have to get used to not strapping the kids in, or myself either.

Our lunch in El Ejido park: chicken on a stick.

The kids had fun driving this car around the park.

A fruit stand selling freshly-squeezed lemonade, fruit salad, and slices of watermelon.


Zoe said...

It appears the children are adjusting well to their new environment. They are a wonderful sight and that pedal cart looks like a lot of fun. Rebecca, you have a beautiful smile. Good to see you all having fun.

Unknown said...

You guys rock! Crissy and I are stoked for your experience and envious all at once. Congrats asta la vista